Eric Krapf is the Publisher of No Jitter and General Manager for Enterprise Connect. Eric joins the ConnectThe2 podcast to discuss his extensive career in tech journalism, how the pandemic is shaping enterprise technology and collaboration, and his favorite holiday recipes (Eric’s potato latke recipe is listed below).
Here are the biggest takeaways from our conversation. If you like what you’re reading, be sure to listen to the whole episode, linked at the bottom of this page.
Connecting the dots with Eric…
Eric began his journalism career in the mid-1980s at a small, local newspaper on the shoreline of Connecticut called the Old Saybrook Pictorial. Eric went on to become an editor at another local paper called the Mystic, which is the setting of the great Julia Roberts film Mystic Pizza. Eric observed that even though the newspaper business wasn’t a strong industry to be in, the experience working there taught him so much about his close-knit community, and he was able to meet the most interesting people with stories that you would never guess. Eventually, Eric found himself at the Business Communications Review, which was a trade journal for the tech industry and it’s also the company that started the tradeshow Enterprise Connect.

Section of Main Street in Saybrook Connecticut
Source: Old Saybrook CT gov
Enterprise Connect 2021…
Organizing an industry-wide event is a huge undertaking let alone trying to plan one during a global pandemic, but Eric is optimistic about the future. His team is gearing up for the Enterprise Connect event that focuses on the issues central to enterprise communications and collaboration. While the event is usually held in the first quarter of every year, his team decided to postpone the conference until September 27-29, 2021, with the hopes that they will be able to host a live show at that time. Eric noted that he’s just excited about the prospect of hosting a show at the end of 2021, and he’s looking forward to covering the issues that people will care about the most in a post-pandemic world.
Inside Scoop: skip to minute 15:10 to find out what emerging technology will be the main focus for the upcoming virtual event Communications & Collaboration: 2024.
Email is best…
Eric is old school and appreciates a well-written email. He let us know that for PR folks trying to reach him, email is the best way since he reads every email in his inbox. He’s a big fan of Twitter as a source of random information or as a newsfeed because he follows journalists in the industry, but if you have a tip for him, its best to send it through email. He likes that he can look at the subject line, get the main idea, and determine if he wants to move forward or send it to one of his colleagues at No Jitter to write about.
Eric’s Hanukkah Latkes (all measurements are approximate):
* 3 lbs of potatoes
* 2 medium-sized onions
* 1 tbsp salt
* 6 whole cloves garlic
* 4 eggs
* 1 cup flour or matzah meal
* 1 tbsp baking powder
* Pepper to taste
* Canola oil
* Sour cream
* Applesauce
* More salt
Grind potatoes, onions, garlic and salt together in a food processor. Drain excess water from mixture and add mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add eggs, flour/matzah meal and pepper and mix it all together.
Get oil in frying pan hot, then drop spoonfuls of the latke batter into the oil and press flat to whatever size and thickness you like. Fry to golden brown and crunchy, drain on paper towels.
Serve latkes with sour cream and/or applesauce as toppings, though Eric likes them best with only more salt. Happy Hanukkah!
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