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ConnectThe2 Podcast Season 5: Ep 2 - Scott Raynovich, Futuriom

Richard M. Williams

Updated: Sep 17, 2020

On this week’s episode of the ConnectThe2 podcast, we spoke with Scott Raynovich, founder and principal analyst at Futuriom. We discuss his favorite video conferencing platform, how his role as a magazine editor prepared him to be an analyst and the most effective ways to pitch him. Here are the biggest takeaways from our conversation. If you like what you’re reading be sure to listen to the whole episode linked at the bottom of this page.

Get your head out of the clouds…

Scott is fascinated with clouds. No, we’re not talking about those fluffy white balls in the sky. Scott’s research firm is mainly focused on trends in cloud infrastructure. He built his reputation on recognizing the SD-WAN trend early (which they still cover aggressively), but he believes the next big thing will be multi-cloud networking and 5G edge cloud. Multi-cloud networking is a strategy where enterprises leverage two or more cloud computing platforms to perform various tasks, and 5G edge cloud is the infrastructure that will be built to support new mobile services with the arrival of 5G. Scott believes this technology will transform the way enterprises interact with the cloud for years to come.

Zoom zoom…

We wanted to know what video conferencing platform Scott prefers most during this time of quarantine. He let us know that while GoToMeeting was something he used quite frequently in the past, his new favorite conferencing software is Zoom. He mentioned that Zoom performs well, and they have a more efficient user face than other legacy communication providers in the market.

Keep pitches in the subject line…

Scott receives hundreds of pitches every day, so the best way to reach him is to include the pitch in the subject line. He is way more likely to read through the entire email if the subject line contains the main idea, so (PR folks) keep it short and sweet!

Hear more...

If you've enjoyed these takeaways be sure to listen to our full interview linked below. Also be sure to listen to, rate and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play or Soundcloud.

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